It has been a while but we are back and things are a little different. No article this week just catching you up on what has been going on and what is coming
New Zealand police have shown off a police car repainted in pride rainbows rather than the normal blue and white. They are showing they support the LGBTQ community and are keen to help and understand where they can.
As an organisation we look to enocourage staff to use who they are, not loose who they are when becoming a police officer
The head master of a private school doesn't think his pupils should date or have sex in any way, and to back it up he says he will expel any students who are found to be in a relationship. Read more
The pope has been in Chilli to try and help smooth over problems caused by a priest being accused of multiple sex abuses against children. Rather than calming tensions the Pope has accused the victims of slander. Read more
Things are changing for Kink Craft this year. Part of the time off over the last few weeks has been about rethinking what we are doing.
Kink Craft as a company selling things isn't going to carry on this year. It has been a lot of fun and we have ennjoy every moment of it but sometimes you have to face reality and look at what is working and what isn't.
We get to work with some really amazing companies who really want to change the world like Sheets of San Francisco, Godemiche, and others.
We would never have been able to spend time with them and have so much fun if it hadn't been for KC.
That has let us meet some of the most awesome people I could ever want to meet. Bloggers like Girl on the Net, Emmeline Peaches, Candysnatch, and so many more.
We would not have been able to meet them if it weren't for KC and being out in the amazing community talking to some of the best people you could ever want to meet.
The courses are not going to vanish, they are all going to go up on YouTube so everyone will have a chance to give them a go if they want to.
We really enjoy doing the content and being part of the amazing sex blogging community. Right now we just don't know what we want to do.
We love putting the content out and talking about it, talking to others about it, and having new ideas and discussions because of it.
Right now things will carry on, we have a fair bit of content ready to go and we really don't want to loose that. So we will be putting it out in the coming weeks.
Something I would really love to do is a monthly panel discussion between a number of bloggers each month. Would be so interesting to hear them discussion things rather than just writing on their blogs.
We will be at Eroticon in the middle of March. We are looking forward to being there and making things with people.k